Infectious Bursal Disease is the first peer reviewed website with
a specific focus on Infectious Bursal Disease.
Severity of disease is dependant on the virulence of the infective virus, and the immune status of the infected bird. Two clinical pictures are distinguished: acute Clinical IBD and sub clinical IBD.
Interference of MDA is the crucial problem in determining a successful live IBDV vaccination schedule.
The aim of the site is to provide a platform for peer reviewed disease information, vaccination information and links to other relevant Gumboro topics.
Gumboro Disease or Infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) is a chicken disease targeting the Bursa of Fabricius, an important organ in the young chicken’s developing immune system. The causative agent, a Birna virus, destroys immature B-lymphocytes in the Bursa of Fabricius resulting in immunosuppression. Very virulent strains of IBDV can result in mortality of up to 40%. Control is best achieved by improved biosecurity and vaccination.
Vaccination schedules
There is no IBD vaccination schedule that can be routinely recommended. Various factors influence the vaccination schedule.
The First Line of Defence
Interactive animations are provided to illustrate, in a simplified form, the interaction of IBD virus and circulating neutralising antibodies.
International site versions
Gumboro control requires a balanced approach including hygienic measures and vaccination.